Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Big brother drew on little brother so mommy drew on big brother!

http://www.ruelala.com/invite/lmerz02MUST check out this link! Rue La La! Right now they are hooking everyone who signs up with them a $20 credit to buy what ever you want! SUPER AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hysterical! I can see already they will be partners in crime!
My 2yr old in the BABY swing! lol


Just out of the bath!! Adorable!! (Takes after his mommy!)
In the Blizzard!! -- If you look at his coat area you can see how fast the wind is blowing. We didnt last but a minute (for the pics) and went back inside!
I know I am bragging but he is one handsome dude!

 My Cabbage Patch Kids!

 His FAVORITE toy! Thanks Antie and Uncle and Cousins!
Kinda Blurry.... Hard to get a pic of these two together.....
Here is one thats a little better. My lil cuties!

Friday, January 28, 2011

There Still Are Good People In This World!

My cousin lives out in the city in a really cool loft and for now she is "living in the fast lane". Often times she likes to slow things down a bit and come and visit me and the fam. She came over on Sunday after she lost her footing in  some super high heals on the stairs leading up to her loft. Her hand was swelling and brused. She does not have insurance so she was trying to put off going to the doctor in hopes it would heal. But after a couple of days went by we decided she had to go because she was in severe pain and the swelling was quite bad. I could not believe how rude these people were to her because she did not have health coverage! Considering she is paying out of her pocket for this and will be charged more than any insurance company for her visit (because they get a bunch of write off's for being in network) they should treat her with respect! The nurse came in and told her it was broken, wrapped her in a temp. cast, told her to see an orthopedic surgeon and kicked her out the door! No referral, no ice pack, no real directions, no meds, nothing! Obviously she was very upset because it was going to cost a fortune. I told her she was allowed to be depressed for that day but when we woke up there would be no more of it because we would find someone to work with her as far as payments and we would stop at nothing to get it all worked out. Truly, I was worried for her because I didnt think we would find anyone to work with her (especially after the way she was treated at her emergency room visit). But none the less I was bound and determined to at least try! She is a bartender and NEEDS to use her hand to work and I was not willing to watch her loose everything! So I got up this morning and started calling and it was not looking good after the first 10 - 15 calls..... "Sorry we dont do payment plans", "Sorry we dont see people without insurance", "We require a $500 retainer fee up front", " All money is due at the time of service." or "We dont know what we can do for you until you are seen" Just to name a few. Then by the grace of God a woman answers and says.... "We require that you pay $25 at each visit and any left over fees from that can be made into a payment plan." I could not believe my ears! I made her an apt right away! I took her to her apt and they wrapped her into a cast and treated her with kindness and integrity. This made me feel so good that there are still people in this world that care. And come to find out while the kids and I waited in the waiting room I was reading a pamphlet I found and the doctor also opened a school in India for under privileged children to get an education! How cool is that? In this selfish, greedy world there still are good people. A doctor who really cares about people, who is not just out to rob you blind and who cares about under privileged kids! BEAUTIFUL!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Sayen...

Know what I just had an epiphany.... I think all companies who put products in glass jars should re-design them so they can be a drinking glass when emptied! I am so smart, I should get like an eco trophy! lol but really I wonder why they dont do that now?? Hmmmm...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This Was My Yesterday

Today was just an ordinary day. Yeah, my son had school called off but he went to his buddy's house to spend the night. I played with my 2yr old and held my happy baby boy (however happy, he is a lot of work). I thought by now I would be better trained to be at home. I go in kicks.... I will have an awesome meal ready for my husband when he gets home, the dishes done, kids ready for baths, house cleaned etc.. Then there is the kick I am just now getting out of... messy house, dishes not done until morning, dinner? forget about it! I just have hubs pick something up for us or throw a pizza in the oven. Oh and he can do the baths too. Is this normal? Or can I not be domesticated? Okay maybe I am exaggerating just a tad but I think I get my point across.  I often feel bad when in the ladder of the two scenario because I just get sick of the same ole same ole routine... day in day out blah blah blah! I dont mean taking care of and playing with my boys. I mean mostly the cooking and cleaning part! I bust my ass all day to pick up after 3 tornadoes and the house still is not as I would like it. Then after all that I get to cook, get full, and feel lazy just in time to clean that up too! And cooking is something I used to enjoy (and still do at the right circumstances ie husband home to watch boys). Any one who says being an at home mother is sooo easy..... KISS MY BOOTY! It is the most challenging of all jobs I have had. But then at the end of the day when the kids are in bed and you have time to reflect on the day I realize it is the BEST of all jobs too! At that time I am proud of what I do. I absolutely LOVE my family! And guess what? My just turned 2 yr old already knows his shapes, colors, #'s and letters and all body parts. How cool it that? And I taught him that! :) That is much better than a paycheck in my opinion!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Enter The Fatalist: Road Trip Detour

Enter The Fatalist: Road Trip Detour: "When something doesn't work out whether it's losing a job, a relationship, a friendship; people are so quick to come back with the overused ..."

She is such a good writer.... This is so true!
Don't Forget to check out Freebies For My Friends! For all kinds of free stuff! I search all over the internet to get free crap for you..... and me!