Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Full Day...

So much to do so little time! I seem to be so busy but get absolutely nothing done! Today's plan was to get up, clean house, go to Walmart to pick up a few items and make Chex Party Mix. I got all except the make Chex Mix done, oh yeah and of course I forgot a couple of the few items so I will try again tomorrow. Ever since I have been at home with the children I can not concentrate on anything while they around and it is only getting worse! My youngest is staying awake a lot more, my 1 and 11/12's year old is into everything, on everything and everywhere my oldest is just fine other than the attitude he has acquired this school year. I will stop at nothing to get this Chex Mix made too! My granny just turned 89 made this stuff for years and years and now enjoys reminiscing about "the good ole days". This will give her another fond memory to reminisce about and that means a lot to her and me.

As if this all is not enough for me to handle, I have decied to have a 2nd Birthday party for my lil boo! It will be worth all the hard work in the end. These are the days I must cherish as one day I may not have any excitement at all in my life. And for me doing all of this and showing my kids how much they mean to me and how much I love them maybe just maybe they will visit me often when I am old. --- THEY BETTER!!!!

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