Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Morning!

This morning I am up early (early for me anyway). My baby has gotten used to taking a nap in the evening and wakeing up at 10pm then staying up until 2:30am or so, and getting up in the morning around 8:30 (that is in addition to his waking up in the middle of all that to eat). But no worries he goes back to sleep when my toddler gets up! UGH! I do have so me relief today though! My 11yr old is off school due to the ice storm! Whoot! I am going to have him earn some extra computer time today by watching his brother while mommy sleeps. :) Speaking of ice storm, my sister in law was stuck in traffic for 7.5 HRS!!!!!! She ran out of gas and had to flag a tow truck driver down to pay $100 for only $10 in gas. She also had to pee and had her 2 small dogs in the car with her. It was quite the ordeal for her and we couldnt even help her because she was at a dead stop (there was no way to get to her) on HWY 70. The roads were so bad that she saw aprox 15 - 20 cars off the road between 4 exits on the highway. I am just thankful she made it home okay. My husband took about an hour and a half to get home from a 35 min drive. But he is considered lucky in this case!

Snow or ice day from school .... I remember the feeling when I saw my school dist called off for the day. One good thing about snow days is seeing my junior high student jump around when he finds out he has no school. So today will be a day of watching too much t.v., playing too much x-box, playing too much computer and eating too much junk. Every kid has to have a day like that every once in a while! And I am happy to have a little extra help and some good company from my son. I think I am just as excited when he gets called off school! lol Today should be a good day! Lets just pray I can live through my toddler's constant screams! We are in the scream phase right now. Happy... scream, mad.....scream, no reason.... scream! I think he likes how he sounds. I have a rule in my house and that is to ignore it, act like it never happened and hopefully it will cut this phase short. When I say scream I mean your eardrums shake, it is so high pitched and excruciating that you want to just lock yourself in your room and never come out! Oh the joys of children! :)

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