Tuesday, December 7, 2010


For those who are wondering how yesterday went. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be but still was a hand full. The hardest part was getting the kids from the car into the building and building to car. Imagine someone carrying a pumpkin seat on one arm and a toddler in the other. I am not sure how this always happens but I usually barely have a hold of my lil toddler and he has his legs wrapped around me to hang on for dear life. I am sure it is a sight to see considering people see me coming and they are running to open the door for me (I am thankful for this because as they can see one is going down if they don't).

Anyway, at the doctors office they have toys and a huge fish tank to entertain while we wait (which is nice). And another thing went my way, we were the only ones in the waiting room so my sons constant screams of "fishy" and "green" were unnoticed. We get called in the room find out baby is in the 75% range for height and weight, and 39% range for head. Does this mean he has a little head? Also he is (as I already knew) a strong, happy, healthy baby boy.  Unfortunately I had to bring baby in for shots too. I know it is for the best, that's why he was there, but it is terrible pain to see your lil pumpkin go from smiling and cooing to "WAAAAAA!!!" in an instant. The look of betrayal and those eyes that say "why, would you do this to me?" is just devastating. Just glad it is over with.... until next time.

Finished with the doctor, now time to pop in to say hi to the girls in the office I used to work with (same building as doc). Of course my toddler decides he will turn the lights on, off, on off. The door open, close, open, close, which has an alarm so beep, beep, beep, beep every time the door opens. Then all of a sudden runs out the door and to the elevator presses button and hops on, with me running w diaper bag, pumpkin seat, sippie cup, and purse in hand to catch up! Whew! Made it! RINGGGGG BLINGGGGG RINGGGGG he set off the alarm to the elevator! Oh my gosh, he never ceases to amaze me! But at the same time so freaking cute! Finally in the car and homeward bound we were, to fight with my oldest to do his homework...

Every day an adventure, every day a learning experience for both child and parent. I would not trade my life for all the money in the world. I strongly recommended that if you have the means to have one parent stay at home with the children to do it!

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